SightShift with Chris McAlister
Too many leaders lead for validation, not impact. And too many organizations are relying on overpriced seminars, gimmicky retreats, and leadership fads to develop their leaders. Are you ready to implement a transformational process to develop impact leaders who develop other leaders?
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Is there a way to find a perfect career path? (Work isn't working #1)
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
9 unhealthy actions of insecure leaders
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Number one, the first unhealthy action of an insecure leader is they lead to be needed.
The second unhealthy action of an insecure leader is that they lead from hype.
A third unhealthy action of an insecure leader is to fear conflict or to avoid conflict at all costs.
Fourth unhealthy action of an insecure leader is being indecisive.
Fifth unhealthy action of an insecure leader is to be a taskmaster.
Sixth unhealthy action of an insecure leader is when you use anger to get people to live up to your ideals.
Seventh unhealthy action of an insecure leader is focusing on the fear that the worst will happen.
Eighth unhealthy action of an insecure leader is when you’re afraid to get close.
Ninth unhealthy action of an insecure leader is when they make it all about them. to learn to how replace these with healthy leadership.
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
7 ways to be very likable to people who want to grow
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Be a person who changes the lives of others.
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Are you building a VICTIM or VICTOR culture?
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Which kind of culture are you building?
V. iolates I. ndulges C. owers T. olerates I. gnores M. aintains S. tagnates
or V. ivifies I. ncites C. reates T. argets O. pens R. elates S. hares
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
3 mega skills society doesn't teach you anymore
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Learn these 3 or suffer needlessly. (more detail here:
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Navigate Series #9 - Revolutionize
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Although the journey starts internally, we grow to externalize it in the context of our community, and we spark true transformation and new learning. And, because our internal world is endlessly explorable, the transformation we can bring to our communities is never-ending.
We explore these concepts and teachings in the recording from “REVOLUTIONIZE", part 9 of the 9-part navigate Series for the leaders who want to lead themselves.
The Navigate Series is a live video broadcast, going until September 2020. It takes participants on a journey from self-discovery to community transformation. Throughout the year, they’ll be unpacking the "how-to" of leadership development, starting with internal dimensions of identity (how do I understand who I am), to how that works out in the real world (what do I do, and why), to how to shift into more authentic and powerful expressions (how do I get better), to how we work out those new expressions with those around us (how do I transform my community/city).
In this session you’ll experience:
1. A deep exploration of a concept with Chris McAlister of SightShift.
2. An interview with an expert to dive further into the idea.
3. Prompts & exercises to complete with your fellow leaders.
4. Tools to integrate the new concept for the long haul.
Enjoyed this episode and looking for more of our free resources? Click here to register for our free on-demand masterclass and learn the 3 mega skills that you need to move forward:
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Navigate Series #8 - Express
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
At some point, the unfolding identity and expansive energy create a state of expression, interest, and action called FLOW.
We explore these concepts and teachings in the recording from "EXPRESS", part 8 of the 9-part navigate Series for the leaders who want to lead themselves.
The Navigate Series is a live video broadcast, going until September 2020. It takes participants on a journey from self-discovery to community transformation. Throughout the year, they’ll be unpacking the "how-to" of leadership development, starting with internal dimensions of identity (how do I understand who I am), to how that works out in the real world (what do I do, and why), to how to shift into more authentic and powerful expressions (how do I get better), to how we work out those new expressions with those around us (how do I transform my community/city).
In this session you’ll experience:
1. A deep exploration of a concept with Chris McAlister of SightShift.
2. An interview with an expert to dive further into the idea.
3. Prompts & exercises to complete with your fellow leaders.
4. Tools to integrate the new concept for the long haul.
Enjoyed this episode and looking for more of our free resources? Click here to register for our free on-demand masterclass and learn the 3 mega skills that you need to move forward:
Friday Jul 10, 2020
Navigate Series #7 - Unblock
Friday Jul 10, 2020
Friday Jul 10, 2020
There’s an energy and power in us that allows for expansive effort. Accessing that energy is more about release than it is about discipline.
We explore these concepts and teachings in the recording from "UNBLOCK", part 7 of the 9-part navigate Series for the leaders who want to lead themselves.
The Navigate Series is a live video broadcast, going until September 2020. It takes participants on a journey from self-discovery to community transformation. Throughout the year, they’ll be unpacking the "how-to" of leadership development, starting with internal dimensions of identity (how do I understand who I am), to how that works out in the real world (what do I do, and why), to how to shift into more authentic and powerful expressions (how do I get better), to how we work out those new expressions with those around us (how do I transform my community/city).
In this session you’ll experience:
1. A deep exploration of a concept with Chris McAlister of SightShift.
2. An interview with an expert to dive further into the idea.
3. Prompts & exercises to complete with your fellow leaders.
4. Tools to integrate the new concept for the long haul.
Enjoyed this episode and looking for more of our free resources? Click here to register for our free on-demand masterclass and learn the 3 mega skills that you need to move forward: